Saturday, May 30, 2015

Final Year Project Summary


Nowadays CCTV with night vision camera is popular among the people because by using the camera they being able to capture the video of the intruders and hand it over to police in order to arrest the thief. Since CCTV is fixed as static is could not be use as mobilized device whereby to follow the path of the intruder goes. In current era, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is being very popular because it can be fly high above and can get the aerial view of certain location regardless how dangerous the place it is. Mostly photographers are using this UAV to capture some images of volcano also. Since people are getting familiar to use the UAV, so by fixing a night vision camera it may capture the footage of the surrounding at night. This can be one of the ideologies where can be apply with some programming where the camera can detect and track the intruder. So that from the live streaming video, the person can follow the path where the intruder does goes and report to the authority.

Problem Statement

These days, there are a lot of theft are happening everywhere and it is very dangerous for a person to chase after the intruder because maybe the intruder might have a weapon and harm us. This scenario often happens at the swiftlet’s bird nest farm, since the bird nest is expensive the intruder trying to steal it at night. Therefore, there isn’t any other solution to track the intruder other than chasing to inform the authority about the location where the intruder went. CCTV is not much efficient because it is fixed as static camera at corner of the house or building so if the intruder ran from the focus of the CCTV, then we could not capture any footage of the intruder.\


Basically, this project is listing two main objectives. The objectives are a guideline and goal in order to complete this project. This project is conducted to achieve the following:

  1. To analyze the amount of ground light intensity needed and the distance of night vision camera which placed on UAV and intruder so that can detect and track. 
  1. To investigate whether the UAV can detect the intruders with the following path it travels with a specific amount of ground light.
  2. To investigate does the UAV interrupts the signal, data transfer and clear image of intruder using the night vision camera.

Results and Discussion

As per the above image, it shows that when the image is dark, the histogram will be more towards the left, when the image is bright enough then the histogram will be on the right side in the x-axis.

The image of Paris Tower is dark.

The following experiment shows the histogram graph of a bright image of the Paris tower which taken during the winter season. Since the snow is white, the histogram graph will be more towards the right side of the graph.

The image of Paris Tower more brighther

Video Capturing

Canny edge detection

The person's gesture is tracked by the contouring coding and track the moving object only.

 Above image shows the results of the image processing of the video capture coding along with the histogram graph. This video recording is with medium light exposure in a room. Besides that, the video capture coding is add with some contouring coding so that can track the person well. Contouring is where the person's action is track with a red line all over the person.

Tracking the human

Human tracking

After further improvement, the human is track by purple shaped box. As per the objective stated, the result is achieved by detecting the human and track the human.


In conclusion, by using the OpenCV software the night vision camera which attached to the UAV can be controlled for the colour histogram application. In addition, Roborealm is software which is also an user friendly software in order to produce the histogram and track the intruder that can be use for similar project. Besides that, the spike of colour histogram is the residue which adjusted so that when there is intruder at the specific location, the user can track the intruder with this UAV perhaps follows the intruder as well.


The improvement that can be made for the camera is maybe can use much better camera than the one used in this project. Better camera is well described as the one has more Megapixels, for instance if 10 Megapixels or more the picture resolution will be much clearer and the video capturing will be fine.

The type of UAV

In the future development, the people can have a UAV where it tracks and follows the human without any tracking devices and wholly follows the human. Hereby, i attach a video of how the future development of human tracking UAV will be.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart of Final Year Project
Semester 1 2014/2015
Semester 2 2014/2015

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Executive Summary Report

Unmanned aerial vehicle with night vision for tracking intruders

name: dhinesh a/l ramotharan
matrix id no: fb 12006
supervisor: dr. ng liang shing

 2. Problem Statement

Nowadays there are a lot of theft are happening everywhere and it is very dangerous for a person to chase after the intruder because maybe the intruder might have a weapon and harm us. There wasn’t any other solution to track the intruder other than chasing to inform the authority about the location where the intruder went. CCTV is not much efficient because it is fixed as static camera at corner of the house or building so if the intruder ran from the focus of the CCTV, then we could not capture any footage of the intruder.

3. Objective

  • To analyze the amount of ground light intensity and the distance of night vision camera to be placed on UAV so that can detect the shadow of the intruders.
  • To investigate whether the UAV can detect the intruders with the following path it travels with a specific amount of ground light.
  • To investigate does the UAV interrupts the signal, data transfer and the clear image of intruders using the night vision camera

                                              4.SCOPE OF RESEARCH

              The scopes of this project are :
    • In this project, the wireless night vision camera is programmed by using the OpenCV, Cygwin Terminal, Ubuntu and also Roborealm software to capture the footage of intruder and track under specific amount of ground light intensity while flying with UAV at specific height. 

                                         5. EXPECTED OUTCOME

The outcome is mainly focused on the amount of ground light needed for the night vision camera to detect the intruder meanwhile the distance also playing a part where the distance is directly proportional to the size of the intruder detected because the more far is the UAV the more smaller the shadow can be captured.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Examples of UAV

Here are some example of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)..

Figure 1

Figure 2

Monday, September 22, 2014

Introduction for my Blog

Good Day,

Welcome to my engineering world..

First of all, I would like to thank the Lord Almighty, my parents, siblings, family and friends. Hereby, I created this blog just to update about my final year project progress which titled Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with night vision for tracking intruders and some interesting things that i go through in my life. I hope from this you all can start to fall in love with engineering and get to know how interesting it is. Before that lets fall in love with beautiful engineering project and still standing boldly on earth..