Thursday, September 25, 2014

Executive Summary Report

Unmanned aerial vehicle with night vision for tracking intruders

name: dhinesh a/l ramotharan
matrix id no: fb 12006
supervisor: dr. ng liang shing

 2. Problem Statement

Nowadays there are a lot of theft are happening everywhere and it is very dangerous for a person to chase after the intruder because maybe the intruder might have a weapon and harm us. There wasn’t any other solution to track the intruder other than chasing to inform the authority about the location where the intruder went. CCTV is not much efficient because it is fixed as static camera at corner of the house or building so if the intruder ran from the focus of the CCTV, then we could not capture any footage of the intruder.

3. Objective

  • To analyze the amount of ground light intensity and the distance of night vision camera to be placed on UAV so that can detect the shadow of the intruders.
  • To investigate whether the UAV can detect the intruders with the following path it travels with a specific amount of ground light.
  • To investigate does the UAV interrupts the signal, data transfer and the clear image of intruders using the night vision camera

                                              4.SCOPE OF RESEARCH

              The scopes of this project are :
    • In this project, the wireless night vision camera is programmed by using the OpenCV, Cygwin Terminal, Ubuntu and also Roborealm software to capture the footage of intruder and track under specific amount of ground light intensity while flying with UAV at specific height. 

                                         5. EXPECTED OUTCOME

The outcome is mainly focused on the amount of ground light needed for the night vision camera to detect the intruder meanwhile the distance also playing a part where the distance is directly proportional to the size of the intruder detected because the more far is the UAV the more smaller the shadow can be captured.

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